To the left is my latest accomplishment, and it is a prime example of using time to learn about oneself. I am working on another painting that I am doing in oil, not my usual mode of operation. Usually it is one painting at a time, but I was on a roll and did not want to waste time waiting for paint to dry. So this little guy was a time filler. It was also an experiment in : “How Small can you go?” and still get detail you like. Really a personal challenge to myself. I found I could go small, but need larger to give my hand a break. It was fun doing it, used time to good purpose, and made me realize that yes, I am anal retentive and am proud of it. It showed me I was far happier doing my detail that I like to do, than try to be “looser” as the art elite like to direct us. So I learned a lesson about myself, and will go forward with it. As to the little guy…It is a 7 x 5 inch picture of fall hawthorn berries. Cedar Waxwings love them, as do other birds. Great Wildlife draw. Oh yes! I also used to time to scope out other art shows and competitions I might like to look into! Multitasking….gotta love it!
Till next time.
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