10 or 20 Hippos. An image of one of my latest pieces of art.
10 or 20 Hippos. An image of one of my latest pieces of art.
I have been asked many times “what are Juried Shows?” The answer I give is that they are shows that the pieces on display are picked by a group of qualified people.
Simple enough I thought. However this seems to scare some people. So I gave it some more thought and here is the result.
This post was inspired by a Facebook posting about new dating on Cave Paintings. This twigged my curiosity and I started to investigate. I read a lot and I viewed many articles on You tube. There was a symposium on there, that I watched that covered many scientific areas on the topic. They claimed artistic… Read more »
I thought I would do an update as to how I am faring with my cataract free eyesight. I now have my new glasses as I mentioned several posts ago. Still are fine with them. Have I noticed any problems since the surgery? Not really. My eyes still get tired, but in some ways that… Read more »
I have been busy at the easel since I finished up the farm books. I have been working mostly in acrylics lately. I choose subjects that I find interesting and challenging. Below is the painting “Frosty Morn” a 7×12 inch acrylic painting. As you can see it is hot off the press so to speak. … Read more »
Hi Everyone! Been awhile since I was on this blogger. Just too many irons in the fire I guess! Been busy though. Health issues got in the way, but I am on the mend and hope to be back at full tilt soon. 2013 was a fantastic year really. Lots of good things happened. I… Read more »
“Morning Silhouette” – 12×21 acrylic This is the latest off of the easel. I know some will say that it is only a photo effect where you get a silhouette, but when you look into water with bright morning light bouncing off and dazzling the eyes, you really do only see silhouettes. This is just… Read more »
For quite some time I was needing to have my eyes worked on due to cataracts. I was really leary of doing this, as I was worried about how it would impact my painting. Time came though when I needed to do something, as my driving at night became a problem and it was… Read more »
I am the chair person of Lloydminster’s Arts Without Borders Fine Art Shows. One of these is a Juried show. When I have gone around letting people know about our show, and encourage people to enter it; some people have asked me “What is the benefit of entering a juried show?” I have to say, I was stumped for an… Read more »
Well, the next decade has started. Hard to believe as it flew by so fast. Makes a person wonder if they have enough time to do all that they want to do in their lives. For myself, I think I would need about 3 lifetimes to fit in everything I want to do in just… Read more »